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Woodcut Mill Drill


Australian turner Brendan Stemp had the idea of making the process simpler and faster to produce
Peppermills. Frustrated with the complexity of using multiple drill bits, Brendan’s idea to develop a product was inspired from observing the process of a Mill Drill press and adding two cutters.


Brendan worked with, the late, Peter Hewitt of Woodcut Tools to produce the Woodcut Mill Drill product, designed to operate with the CrushGrind® Shaft mechanism. This product has been available since 2010.

Responding to customer feedback to simplify the setup of the cutters for optimal cutting, Woodcut Tools added machined flats to accurately set up the cutters in 2021.


As use of the CrushGrind® Shaft Mini grew, so did customer interest in updating the Woodcut Mill Drill to also support the operation of the CrushGrind® Shaft Mini mechanism in 2022.

Woodcut Tools worked with German woodturner Mario Nagel, who production turns Pepper Mills, to ensure the Woodcut Mill Drill Universal is well designed for turners.


A 1" (25.5mm) hole is drilled in the pepper mill blank and then the Mill Drill is used to enlarge the hole and cut a step for the mechanism. It drills the two different diameter holes, to the correct diameter and distance apart so the mechanism fits exactly; a hole for the body of the mechanism and, finally a larger hole which allows the mechanism to rest against a shoulder at a depth from the base of the mill of your choice, giving ample clearance for access to the knurled knob at the base of the CrushGrind® mechanism.


An Allen key is supplied and with, either a set of Vernier callipers or, an accurate rule the cutters can be set to the correct orientation and distances required.


  • A simple design to speed up your production of peppermills. Specifically designed for, but not limited to, using the CrushGrind® mechanism.
  • Designed and made by wood turners, every detail is thought about from a woodworkers point of view, resulting in an easy to use tool which gives the very best results every time.
  • Your product will arrive pre-sharpened ready for immediate use. They can be easily re sharpened when the cutters become dull or blunt, with the Tru-Grind Credit Card Hone, or similar. How regularly you sharpen the cutters will depend on the timber being used.
  • The product incorporates a No2 Morse Taper so it will fit into the tail stock of most lathes. With some adjustment to the cutters it can be used to cut a wide range of hole sizes making it unnecessary to buy a number of drill bits.
  • The high speed steel (M2 HSS) cutters are machined to be simple for the turner to accurately set up and efficiently cut.


An extensive user guide booklet is included in the box with your Mill Drill. User guide and demonstration videos available on You Tube featuring Mario Nagel.

Product finish - Zinc plated, etched with Woodcut logo and cutter indicators to assist easy set up.

Designed by turners for turners.  Made in New Zealand

Woodcut Mill Drill - UNIVERSAL


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